Create a gemset on project creation.
Ruby create gemset.
Alternatively if you prefer the shorthand syntax offered by rvm use employ the.
As you can see that s another way of creating the gemset if it doesn t exist.
To create a new gemset for the current ruby do this.
Rvm 2 1 1 rvm gemset create teddy rosie gemset teddy created.
Note that for each of the ruby installs above you can have completely separate versions.
This will create the gemset under the current ruby version.
Note that the asterisk is appended to the gemset name.
Below is the command to install the node js.
To create a new gemset execute a command like the one below.
That one file is in charge of setting up your gem s code and api.
Code for your package is placed within the lib directory.
This means that gemset is not created yet.
Rvm gemset use gemset name share gems between all the gemsets.
To specify a ruby version to use when creating a gemset use.
Rbenv gemset create.
Also will create a rbenv gemsets file in the current directory.
The ruby sdk and gems page will show the gemset as a child of the selected sdk.
As some of the rails features depend on the javascript runtime environment we needed to install the node js.
Rvm ruby version new gemset name installing the java runtime.
To specify the ruby version with the new gemset.
Cd work rvm use 2 5 1 my cool app create gem install rails.
Rbenv gemset init gemset to create a gemset under a specific ruby version.
Rvm 2 1 1 rvm gemset create teddy gemset teddy created.
It just makes sure that you can see some output from the gem.
The convention is to have one ruby file with the same name as your gem since that gets loaded when require hola is run.
Rbenv gemset init alternatively you can provide rbenv gemset init with the name of a gemset.
To create a gemset we will use.
How to create a new ruby on rails project.
To select a gemset for a given ruby version use this command.
Rvm gemset create gemset name.
Cd my project set up a default gemset for your project.
You can also create multiple gemsets in a single command.
Rvm ruby version gemset name create the gemsets allow us to have self contained environments for gems as well as have multiple environments for each version of ruby that we install.
The code inside of lib hola rb is pretty bare bones.
Rvm defines a global gemset which is shared among all the gemsets for a specific.
Rvm gemset create gemset name select a gemset for a given ruby version.
Now that you have the latest version of ruby and the latest version of rails you can go ahead and create your project.
Rvm 2 1 1 rails410 gem install rails v 4 1 0 rvm 2 1 1 rails320 gem install rails v 3 2 0.
To create gemset rvm gemset create new gemset name.