Note different os use different line format unix uses n windows r n macos uses n.
Ruby file split.
All the i o methods are derived from the class io.
If split s first argument is a string the characters in that string are used as a string separator delimiter whereas in comma delimited data the comma is used to separate data.
Using file read and then split into lines another method is to read the content into one buffer and then split it into lines.
String objects in ruby have a method called split it is similar to the split function of perl it can cut up a string into pieces along a pre defined string or regex returning an array of smaller strings.
Values line split parse each number in the result array.
Usr bin env ruby str foo bar baz puts str split.
In the description of file methods permission bits are a platform specific set of bits that indicate permissions of a file.
The class io provides all the basic methods such as read write gets puts readline getc and printf.
If the delimiter passed to string split is a zero length string or regular expression then string split will act a bit differently.
Ruby provides a whole set of i o related methods implemented in the kernel module.
This essentially turns the string into an array of equal length containing only one character strings one for each character in the string.
Values each do v number integer v display number if it is greater than or equal to 200.
On unix based systems permissions are.
It will remove nothing at all from the original string and split on every character.
A file is an abstraction of any file object accessible by the program and is closely associated with class io file includes the methods of module filetest as class methods allowing you to write for example file exist foo.
If number 200 puts number end end output 200 300.