If proc was given it will be called with any nested ruby object as an argument recursively in depth first order.
Ruby json load symbolize names.
To modify the default options pass in the optional options argument as well.
To modify the default options pass in the optional options argument as well.
To modify the default options pass in the optional options argument as well.
A source can either be a string like object an io like object or an object responding to the read method.
A source can either be a string like object an io like object or an object responding to the read method.
Load source proc nil options object.
If proc was given it will be called with any nested ruby object as an argument recursively in depth first order.
Load a ruby data structure from a json source and return it.
If proc was given it will be called with any nested ruby object as an argument recursively in depth first order.
Brianmario yajl ruby 94 luckily both params can be passed to either gem and have it function as desired.
Some name works just like parse in fact it converts any object that responds to a read method.
Json load takes either a string or io file etc and converts that to ruby hash array.
Load a ruby data structure from a json source and return it.
There already is a ticket on the yajl ruby gem to make it play nice with the json gem.
One main difference is on json parse the standard json gem takes a symbolize names option while yajl takes symbolize keys.
Load a ruby data structure from a json source and return it.
A source can either be a string like object an io like object or an object responding to the read method.
Json load file new names json reads the json inside the file and results in a ruby object.