You can now run bash scripts linux command line tools like sed awk grep and you can even try linux first tools like ruby git python etc.
Run ruby script in bash.
The same techniques will work in bash on ubuntu on.
Essentially if a command runs on the bash command line then it should work from inside ruby.
If you want something much quicker we recommend using git bash.
You can also access your windows filesystem from within bash allowing you to work on the same set of files using your preferred windows tools or linux command line tools.
Add a character before a line to treat it as a comment something which helps you and other people understand the script but which isn t run as a command.
For more advanced tricks consult a more detailed guide to bash scripts on linux.
Run shell script on windows 10 with git bash.
To verify that you have a current version of ruby run the command ruby v.
To run the test rb ruby script run the command ruby test rb.
Your ruby files will all have the rb file extension.
In linux you can use the same approach as above.
Using wsl to run a shell script in windows 10 is a long process.
Once there you can list files using the dir command on windows or the ls command on linux or os x.
Linux has a feature where if the first line of an executable file starts with a no leading spaces and the name of a different executable then that executable will be run with the name of your original file as a command line parameter.
Here is an example of executing bash commands from inside ruby.
This means you will have two files one bash script and one ruby script so actually this is surprisingly not easy and is why i m here.
These numbers don t have to be exact but if you are running a version that s too old some of the features may not work correctly.
Go ahead and download git bash.
Peter cooper demonstrates how to use the default text editor gedit in ubuntu 10 10 linux as a basic editor for ruby files and then how to run a ruby script at the terminal.
By default the backtick and system approach both outputs the following.
The script will run each command in turn.
The script should ask you for your.
Open a command line window and navigate to your ruby scripts directory using the cd command.